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Membership Application Form


Full membership is available for free to all serving and retired police officers, special constables, police staff, operating in the UK or Europe. Full membership is also available to community members who are not employed by the police service, subject to review by the directors.


This is a secure and confidential form covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. The information provided is stored on a secure server, which only the directors have access to.


We only communicate with members using email (using BCC unless individually). Only in some circumstances will we contact you by phone or text message (e.g. when email address is not working).


By completing this form, you agree that the information provided is correct at the time of submission. Understandably, this information may change over time (e.g. email address, phone number, home address, work location etc). It is the responsibility of the individual member to advise the Association of any changes in order to keep your record up-to-date. You can easily do so by contacting us via the contact form on this website.

Please note that any fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed

*Required information.

Please complete the below if you are a member of the Police service

Work Details:

Background information

I agree to become a member of the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Police Association.