Suicide Prevention

It is horrifying to see that from data available that people from Gypsy & Traveller communities are more likely to end their life through suicide that the average for the UK population.

Data is available which shows that Irish Travellers in Ireland are up to 6 times more likely to die by suicide.

Whilst UK data sets do not exist for deaths by suicide specifically for GRT communities, the Official National Statistics report into Census data (published 29th March 2022), identifies that they communities have lower health outcomes than the average for the rest of the population, as well as having lower life expectancy, with only 18% of the population aged 50 years and over, compared to 35%.

If you are concerned that either yourself, or a family member or friend is not coping with life, and potentially feeling that ending your / their life is a possibility, then help and support is available.

Do reach out for help and talk:

The Samaritans charity can be reached free 24/7 by phone - on number 116 123

Hopeline UK (Papyrus charity) for younger people can be reached free (between 9am & midnight each day) on 0800 068 4141 or by text on 07860 039967

If you are concerned that there is an immediate threat to someone’s life from suicide, then help can be sought from your General Practitioner, the Ambulance Service (call 999) and / or also from trained Police Negotiators (call 999).

Suicide as a form of bereavement can be complex and traumatic, with loved ones dogged with unanswered questions.

There are specific charities available to support people bereaved by suicide, and some of these are shown below.

  • One Call Away. Gypsy / Traveller - Depression / Suicide. Confidential Support         Facebook Page
  • Papyrus. Prevention of Youth Suicide:                                                             
  • UK Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (UKSOBS):                                      
  • Samaritans:                                                                                                      

Page last updated: Sunday 21st August 2022